Milk cows grazing grass at the dairy farm in summer. Beautiful mountain pasture with blooming wildflowers.

Europe & Central Asia


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Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Armenia was making gradual improvements to its business environment and establishing a track record of prudent macroeconomic policy management. Economic growth was strong, averaging 6.8 percent during 2017-19.

Armenia’s progress was derailed in 2020. It suffered a severe COVID-19 outbreak, with a new surge in the first quarter of 2021, ranking 33rd globally in recorded cases per million population. Meanwhile, the country’s conflict with Azerbaijan escalated to a heavy military confrontation at end-September 2020. Although the November 10th ceasefire halted hostilities, Armenia has since entered a period of heightened domestic political instability.

These twin shocks led to a sharp economic contraction, increased poverty, and fiscal deterioration. Nevertheless, Armenia has maintained overall macroeconomic stability and healthy external buffers through the crisis.

Source: World Bank, Armenia Country Overview

Investment Opportunities
Describes the number of investment opportunities in the country.


Most Affected SDGs
Describes the three priority SDGs the investment opportunities address in the country.
Zero Hunger (SDG 2) Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7) Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12)
Priority Target Sectors
Describes the three priority sectors the investment opportunities address in the country, based on the SASB Sustainable Industry Classification System®️ (SICS®️) classification.

Food and Beverage, Renewable Resources and Alternative Energy, Technology and Communications

Human Development Index
Developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Human Development Index is a summary measure for assessing a country’s long-term progress in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living.


How is this information gathered?

SDG Investor Maps employ an 8-step methodology, combining data research and stakeholder consultations to identify Investment Opportunity Areas (IOAs) and potential business models with significant financial and impact potential.


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13 Investment Opportunity Areas