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Our Focus

Leveraging Capital for the SDGs

Identifying and developing investment-ready opportunities aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Leveraging capital for the SDGs aims to close the SDG financing gap by identifying and developing investment-ready and impactful opportunities. We bridge the information disparities between private sector financing and investment in emerging markets, fostering the attraction of private capital.

Our Services

Providing Data-Driven Technical Assistance: Our data-driven support enhances the viability of SDG-aligned enterprises, strengthening technical capacities, and improving project bankability and impact.

Promoting Financing Opportunities: We establish networks with investors, funds, and financiers to promote funding avenues, match enterprises with potential investors, and provide assistance on financing options to foster deal flow.

Building a Robust Pipeline: We identify and develop a robust pipeline of SDG-aligned projects at the country level that are investment-ready by leveraging partnerships, ensuring a continuous flow of opportunities for private sector investors.

Our Methodology

The SDG Investor Maps generate country-level data and insights about SDG-enabling investment opportunities. This tool targets the gap between interest in investing in SDGs and the business models that could provide impactful and investable opportunities.

The methodology for developing SDG Investor Maps consists of a rigorous eight-step methodology, combining in-depth desk research and focused in-country public and private sector consultations. Through this iterative process, the SDG Investor Maps identify and validate overlaps between development needs and policy priorities, develop and test potential business models that fit the most urgent needs, and establish comprehensive data points spanning business and impact considerations.