
SDG Impact’s Director re-affirms the importance the role of values in business and investor decision-making at V20 Summit

The Vulnerable Twenty – V20 – Group of Ministers of Finance of the Climate Vulnerable Forum is a dedicated cooperation initiative of economies systemically vulnerable to climate change. The V20 works through dialogue and action to tackle global climate change.

Fabienne Michaux, Director, UNDP SDG Impact was invited to speak at the Nature Taskforce Panel Discussion at theV20 Summit in Bali.

Fabienne highlights that the environment, human and economic elements are all interconnected as demonstrated by climate change, COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing conflicts across the globe. She emphasizes that, “humans are not above nature, but are a part of nature.”

Finally, Fabienne emphasizes the need to place values that create a level-playing field at the centre of decision-making for businesses and investors. Doing so will encourage an enabling environment to change the behaviours to ensure a holistic view of the SDGs and a more resilient future.

The Vulnerable Twenty – V20 – Group of Ministers of Finance of the Climate Vulnerable Forum is a dedicated cooperation initiative of economies systemically vulnerable to climate change. The V20 works through dialogue and action to tackle global climate change.

Watch the insightful panel discussion here and listen to the views from the esteemed panellists:

  • Dr Krysztof Dembek, V20 Co-Founder and Professor at Swinburne University of Technology
  • Henry Thomas Simarmata, V20 Task Force Co-Lead and Senior Advisor PSIK Indonesia
  • Mashael Alzaid, Data Scientist, V20 Delegate • Azis Armand, Vice President Director and Group CEO of Indika Energy, Indonesia
  • Dr Nico Wanandy PhD, Research Associate UNSW-Australia, Indonesia
  • Moderated by Dr Shaibal Roy, V20 Co-Founder and Managing Director and Founder of Axia Origin.
UNDP SDG Impact and V20