SDG Impact Standards for Enterprises in Japanese


SDG Impact Standards for Enterprises is translated into Japanese due to strong market demand

Tokyo, Japan, 14 December 2021: SDG Impact, the UNDP flagship initiative, working to accelerate private sector contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and the UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo, announced today that the SDG Impact Standards for Enterprises has been translated into Japanese in response to the high demand from the Japanese enterprise community.

The SDG Impact Standards for Enterprises are decision-making standards that enable businesses to integrate sustainability into their management decisions. The translation into Japanese comes at a time when Japanese businesses are eager to ensure that they are using best practice methods when managing both their positive and negative impacts on people and planet.

The accompanying documents to the SDG Impact Standards for Enterprise have also been translated. The Enterprise Actions summarize the steps Enterprises will need to undertake in order to properly integrate operating sustainably and contributing positively to sustainable development and the SDGs into their organizational systems and decision-making. SDG Impact’s Self-Assessment Tool helps organizations identify where they are in their journey to embedding sustainable decision-making into the core of their operations.

UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo and SDG Impact would like to express its sincere gratitude to Ken Shibusawa, CEO of Shibusawa and Company, Inc. and member of the SDG Impact Steering Group, and Katsuji Imata, President, Social Impact Management Initiative (SIMI) Japan, who supported the proofreading and supervised the translation process, so that the SDG Impact Standards and supporting documents could be widely accessible to the Japanese audience.

To commemorate the publication of the Japanese translation, UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo will hold an online briefing session on Wednesday, December 15, to explain its contents and introduce tools for incorporating it into businesses. (Webinar info page link)

UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo has also created a Japanese language micro-site of SDG Impact to keep the Japanese audience informed on SDG Impact’s latest news and materials. (Website link)

Ken Shibusawa, CEO, Shibusawa and Company, Inc. and member of the SDG Impact Steering Group commented, “Japanese enterprises have long been enthusiastic about acting sustainably and responsibly. I often receive questions from Japanese enterprises about how they could be certified for their SDG practices. But we need to start with the why. The goal of the SDG Impact Standard is not to create a reporting standard for impact evaluation, instead it enables an organization to shift its mindset in its management decision-making to integrate sustainability from the core”.

Fabienne Michaux, Director, UNDP SDG Impact added, “We firmly believe that good management precedes good reporting. By creating robust internal impact management systems, organizations that adopt the SDG Impact Standards will be in a much better position to meet growing and various sustainability reporting and disclosure requirements. We welcome the Japanese translation of the SDG Impact Standards for Enterprise along with the Enterprise Actions and Self-Assessment Tool and look forward to introducing them to the Japanese enterprise community”.

Please view the translated documents below:

SDG Impact Standards for Enterprise

Enterprise Actions

SDG Impact Self-Assessment Tool

About UNDP SDG Impact

SDG Impact is a UNDP flagship initiative, working to accelerate private sector contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Its objective is to help businesses and investors put sustainability at the core of management decisions and direct capital to where it can make the most difference to people and planet. It achieves this through two pillars of work. The first is the SDG Impact Standards which helps the private sector make management decisions to optimize interrelated economic, social, and environmental impacts. The upcoming SDG Impact Assurance Framework and SDG Impact Seal recognizes adopters of the SDG Impact Standards who are more likely to be contributing positively to sustainability. The second, is the SDG Investor Maps, a market intelligence product which seeks to direct capital to the emerging markets where underfunded SDGs, government policy and market opportunity meet.



UNDP Representative Office in Japan