EVPA Burning Topics series

Embedding the SDGs in IMM

EVPA Burning Topics series; Image credit: EVPA

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have undoubtedly contributed to harmonising language, creating a common framework and thus mobilising capital to drive social change. But, is there a best strategy for embedding them within IMM practices?

Many investors claim to finance the SDGs, without demonstrating their specific contribution. Showcasing how an investment is aligned with the SDGs without incorporating a thorough IMM strategy poses a challenge to the credibility of the SDG framework itself. If ‘SDG-washing’ becomes widespread, SDG-exhaustion would soon follow.

Read the article in EVPA's Burning Topics series co-written by EVPA and Belissa Rojas, Impact Measurement and Management Lead, UNDP SDG Impact. They discuss how investors can avoid "SDG-washing" by integrating the SDGs into their impact measurement methods and impact management and decision-making processes here

UNDP SDG Impact and EVPA