Panellists: Transforming the climate actions of global economies through standards: From commitment to impact

COP27 Side Event: Transforming the climate actions of global economies through standards - From commitment to impact

Panellists: Transforming the climate actions of global economies through standards: From commitment to impact

Urgent climate action demands a global system re-boot. ISO hosted a COP27 Side Event that brought together sustainability experts to promote the cross-sector climate action the world needs. The panel will address the actions needed to convert and mainstream commitments for tangible climate impact.

Fabienne Michaux, Director, UNDP SDG Impact spoke alongside Christoph Winterhalter, ISO & Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) Carlos Ruiz-Garvia, UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub, UN Climate Change Secretariat Roberta Boscolo, WMO Abeer Sadek, EOS Ann Howard, ANSI National Accreditation Board.

UNDP SDG Impact and ISO