UNDP Administrator UNDP Executive Board

Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator Gives Second Regular Session of the Executive Board

UNDP Administrator UNDP Executive Board

Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator addresses Member States at the Second Session of the Executive Board where he discusses the triple crises the global community faces today: Covid-19 Pandemic, Climate Change and Ukraine War. He provides and overview of the efforts that the UNDP has deployed including how to ensure that sustainable finance is delivered. He highlighted how the SDG Impact Standards, independent, global management standards can guide the private sector to integrate the SDGs into their operations. The New Development Bank in 2021 became the first multilateral development bank to apply the SDG Impact Standards to an SDG-linked bond worth $750 million. Japan's largest ratings agency, Rating and Investment Information Inc. has applied the SDG Impact Standards to evaluating the SDG alignment of municipal plane for the city of Kobe, Japan. 

He also highlighted that the UNDP is on the verge of launching an SDG Impact Seal to authenticate adoption of the SDG Impact Standards along with an SDG Assurance Framework to perform rigorous, independent assessments. Both will prevent impact-washing and boost market confidence.

The SDG Investor Maps were also mentioned - UNDP's market intelligence tool that pinpoints SDG priority sectors and investment opportunity areas where market demand, government policy and national development overlap. There are currently 23 SDG Investor Maps available on the SDG Investor Platform spanning the developing world from Ghana, Colombia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka, with more on the way. The Administrator mentioned how government ministers have said that the SDG Investor Map has given them clarity on where capital should be directed - to the places and people that need it most. 

Read the Administrator's full speech here.
