Ultra-High Voltage(UHV) construction

Business Model Description
UHV refers to DC(Direct Current) greater than 800 kV and AC (Alternating Current) greater than 1000 kV. Main supplier company of UNV construction project go through public bidding to sell their products. (8)
Expected Impact
The mismatch- imbalance between energy distribution and energy needs in China can be solved, large-scale energy resource allocation can be optimized
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Country & Regions
- China: Guangdong
- China: Tibet
- China: Liaoning
- China: Hunan
- China: Guizhou
Sector Classification
Development need
Significant differences in terms of quality of the infrastructure exist between urban and rural areas in china. In rural areas, power grids are costly yet of poor quality, and water quality needs to be further improved. (1) China’s circular economy development faces great challenges including lack of standardization, difficulties in recycling low-value material etc. (2)
Policy priority
The 14th 5-Year Plan highlighted the importance of building a modern network of infrastructure that is smart, eco-friendly, safe, and reliable. (3)The State Council issued Action Plan for Cabon Peaking, in which promoting circular economy was listed among the ten major actions. (4)The "No. 1 Central Document" for 2021 also highlighted the need to imporve rural infrastructure (5)
Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
Significant differences in the quality of infrastructure between urban and rural areas in China exist. Rural residents struggle to get access to quality and green infrastructure.
Investment opportunities introduction
The IOAs in the infrastructure sector center around low-carbon waste treatment, as well as building safer and smarter supply systems of water and electricity.
Key bottlenecks introduction
Infrastructure construction requires large amounts of investment, most of which is government-led or requires subsidies. In some fields, such as waste management, policies and regulations are to be improved; in the field of water and energy consumption, pricing mechanism is also in need of improvement.
Development need
Growing electricity demand driven by economic growth and the accerlerated green transformation have posed challenges to the current power system. As renewable energy such as solar and wind are volatile in nature, a stable, safe and smart power system is essential to adapt to the increasing share of renewable energy in energy mix. (6)
Policy priority
The 14th Five-Year Plan proposed to enhance Ultra-High Voltage transmission, speed up the progress in transformation towards smart grid as well as the construction of smart microgrids, reinforce the connections of generation-grid-load-storage, boost consumption and storage of clean energy, and improve power transmission to remote areas. (3)
Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
Power supply, safety, and quality of rural power systems have been improved through rural grid construction and upgrading projects. However, the grid equipment in rural areas are still not smart enough compared with urban area (7)
Investment opportunities introduction
The IOAs in this sector center around enhancing smart power systems and improving the grid's compatibility with multiple energy sources.
Key bottlenecks introduction
The current pricing mechanism for electricity should adapt to the new power system that focuses on new energy, so as to reasonably allocate the consumption cost of new energy among the power generators, the grids, and the customers.
Electric Utilities and Power Generators
Pipeline Opportunity
Ultra-High Voltage(UHV) construction
UHV refers to DC(Direct Current) greater than 800 kV and AC (Alternating Current) greater than 1000 kV. Main supplier company of UNV construction project go through public bidding to sell their products. (8)
Business Case
Market Size and Environment
5% - 10%
From 2015 to 2019, the market size of China's UHV electric equipment industry grew from 89.59 billion to 134.55 billion, with a CAGR of 10.7%. From 2020 to 2024, the compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of market size is projected to stay at 8.3%. By 2024, the market size will reach about 200.8 billion RMB. (10)
Indicative Return
15% - 20%
According to China XD Electric Co., Ltd., XJ Electric Co., Ltd., Henan Pinggao Electric Co., Ltd., and TBEA Co., Ltd., the average gross margin of UHV-related business in 2020 was 16.44%.
Investment Timeframe
Short Term (0–5 years)
UHV project construction regularity: The total cycle of a single project is generally 2-2.5 years. The bidding process usually kicks off in the first half of a year, with UHV projects put into production and suppliers confirming revenue in the second half. (11)
Ticket Size
> USD 10 million
Market Risks & Scale Obstacles
Capital - CapEx Intensive
Impact Case
Sustainable Development Need
To increase the consumption of renewable energy, China needs large capacity power transmission as the majority of China's hydropower, wind and solar resources are concentrated in northern and western areas, while 70% of the demand is in the east and central regions.
Gender & Marginalisation
The western and northern regions, where clean energy is abundant, are less developed compared to the southeast coastal regions.
Expected Development Outcome
The construction of long-distance UHV transmission can solve the supply-demand mismatch of renewable energy, contributing to emission reduction of energy sector
China's power grid construction is strongly countercyclical. Therefore, power grid investment has become important means for China to stimulate economic growth and has made significant contributions to employment.
Gender & Marginalisation
Constructing UHV substations in less developed areas in the west and north of China can create jobs and drive local economic development.
Primary SDGs addressed

7.2.1 Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption
Secondary SDGs addressed

Directly impacted stakeholders
Indirectly impacted stakeholders
Outcome Risks
The worsening electromagnetic environment brought by UHV substations may affect the radio reception and radio stations, as well as the work and life of neighboring people. (12)
Impact Risks
The maintenance cost is high. Since dust will be constantly adsorbed to UHVDV equipment, electrical porcelains and wires, it can easily cause pollution flashovers or damage the core components.
Impact Classification
The outcome is very likely to be positive, important, long-term and large-scale. UHV construction can resolve the power supply and demand mismatch, and the new energy consumption problems.
People's power needs can be met; relevant companies' demand for quality energy can be satisfied; power pressure in the middle and central east areas can be alleviated.
Since no switch is installed in the DC system, a full-line blackout may arise in case of glitches; the AC system is not stable.
Impact Thesis
The mismatch- imbalance between energy distribution and energy needs in China can be solved, large-scale energy resource allocation can be optimized
Enabling Environment
Policy Environment
(Policy document): The 14th 5-Year Plan clearly stated that we should promote the energy revolution and build a clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient energy system to enhance energy supply capabilities. Efforts should be made to improve the utilization rate of UHV power transmission channels. (3)
(Policy document): The National Energy Administration proposed to accelerate multiple UHV projects and enhance new energy transmission capacity, including rev up the construction of UVDC power transmission routes and key projects. The State Grid set short-term targets for the UHV projects.(19)
(Policy document): In February 2020, the State Grid released the "2020 Key Tasks", emphasizing the promotion of "5 AV and 2 DV” UHV construction projects. (13)
Financial Environment
Financial incentives: In 2018, the State Grid launched a large-scale mixed ownership reform, actively engaging the participation of local social capital such as insurance, large industrial funds, and local government-owned investment platforms.
Other incentives: It was stated to encourage the involvement of social capital in power grid construction. These capitals should be promoted in transprovincial and trans-regional power transmission routes, main networking projects, and distribution networking in large and medium-sized cities.(19)
Regulatory Environment
(Regulation): The National Energy Administration regulates the investment results in typical grid projects from three perspectives, i.e. planning implementation, operation timeliness, investment and efficiency. (15)
(Regulation): In April 2021, the Standardization Administration of the P.R.C. issued the "2021 Standardization Work Plan in China". The plan proposed to accelerate the development of standards for UHVAC and UHVDC transmission, power system safety, and demand-side management. (14)
(Regulation): For the permanent land taken by UHV projects, such as transformer substations and converter stations, the land use right can be obtained through the transfer and allocation of land for construction. (16)
Marketplace Participants
Private Sector
Representative companies: NARI Technology Co., Ltd., XJ Electric Co., Ltd., Henan Pinggao Electric Co., Ltd., China XD Electric Co., Ltd. Investment institutions: Sequoia Capital, Shenzhen Capital Group, Shenzhen Dachen Caizhi Fortunevc, SDIC Venture Capital.
Government: Relevant documents have been issued by many local governments to promote the development of the UHV industry, such as Chongqing province, Gansu province, Hunan province, etc.
Target Locations

China: Guangdong
China: Tibet
China: Liaoning
China: Hunan
China: Guizhou
- (1) National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, State Administration for Market Regulation, and National Energy Administration, 2020, Opinions on the High-Quality Development of Urban Water, Electricity, Gas and Heating Industry By Reviewing and Standardizing Charges, http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2021-01/06/content_5577440.htm
- (2) National Development and Reform Commission, 2021, Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Circular Economy, http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/zhengceku/2021-07/07/5623077/files/34f0a690e98643119774252f4f671720.pdf
- (3) Central Government, The Outline for the 14th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development and Long-Range Objectives through the Year 2035, http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2021-03/13/content_5592681.htm
- (4) State Council, 2021, Action Plan for Carbon Dioxide Peaking Before 2030, http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2021-10/26/content_5644984.htm
- (5) State Council, 2021, Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization and Accelerating the Modernization of Agriculture and Rural Areas, http://www.moa.gov.cn/ztzl/jj2021zyyhwj/zxgz_26476/202102/t20210221_6361865.htm
- (6) China Electricity Council, 2021, 2021 Electricity & Other Energy Statistics, https://www.cec.org.cn/upload/1/editor/1640595481946.pdf
- (7) Popular Utilization of Electricity, 2021, Current Situation and Problems of Rural Power Grid Development in China, http://www.chinaqking.com/yc/2021/3052106.html
- (8) Forward Intelligence, 2021, 2021 Market Status and Development Trend of Smart Grid UHV Transmission in China, https://www.qianzhan.com/analyst/detail/220/210811-51a42ccb.html
- (9) XJ Electric Co., Ltd., 2021, 2020 Annual Report, https://robo.datayes.com/v2/details/announcement/35437019
- (10) Huaon.com, 2020, Development and trends of China's UHV electric equipment industry, https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1686756165366566025&wfr=spider&for=pc LeadLeo, 2020, Overview of China's UHV electric equipment industry, https://www.leadleo.com/report/details?id=5ea65fc54d4eff21508e9057
- (11) cls.cn, 2021, New energy consumption is at the center of the stage, new power system construction is in urgent need, https://new.qq.com/omn/20211220/20211220A0AW4600.html
- (12) Wan Baoquan et al., 2009, Electromagnetic environmental impact of UHV substations, https://xueshu.baidu.com/usercenter/paper/show?paperid=20c7ceeedde5417edfc1219d5ae39bb3&site=xueshu_se
- (13) State Grid, 2020, 2020 Key Tasks, https://shupeidian.bjx.com.cn/html/20200226/1047999.shtml
- (14) Standardization Administration of the P.R.C., 2021 Standardization Work Plan in China, 2021, http://dsj.guizhou.gov.cn/zwgk/xxgkml/zcwj/zcfg/202104/t20210415_67825577.html
- (15) National Energy Administration, 2021, Notice on Investment Supervision of Typical Grid Projects in Jiuhu Including UHVDC, http://nyjsw.org.cn/show-76083.html
- (16) King & Wood Research Institute, 2020, UHV-related policy analysis and compliance of new infratructure investment and construction, http://www.china-cer.com.cn/xinjijian/202004284491_3.html
- (17) Song Yao, 2022, State Grid speeds up UHV development in the 14th Five-Year period, https://wallstreetcn.com/articles/3649806
- (18) National Energy Administration, 2021, Guiding Opinions on Energy-related Work in 2021, http://www.nea.gov.cn/2021-04/22/c_139898478.htm
- (19) State Council, 2014, Guiding Opinions on Innovation of Investment and Financing Mechanisms in Key Fields to Encourage Social Investment, http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2014-11/26/content_9260.htm