Industrial wastes treatment and recycling

Industrial hazardous wastes treatment and recycling

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Industrial hazardous wastes treatment and recycling

Most major industry classification systems use sources of revenue as their basis for classifying companies into specific sectors, subsectors and industries. In order to group like companies based on their sustainability-related risks and opportunities, SASB created the Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®) and the classification of sectors, subsectors and industries in the SDG Investor Platform is based on SICS.
Sub Sector
Most major industry classification systems use sources of revenue as their basis for classifying companies into specific sectors, subsectors and industries. In order to group like companies based on their sustainability-related risks and opportunities, SASB created the Sustainable Industry Classification System® (SICS®) and the classification of sectors, subsectors and industries in the SDG Investor Platform is based on SICS.
Waste Management
Indicative Return
Describes the rate of growth an investment is expected to generate within the IOA. The indicative return is identified for the IOA by establishing its Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Return of Investment (ROI) or Gross Profit Margin (GPM).
20% - 25% (in GPM)
Investment Timeframe
Describes the time period in which the IOA will pay-back the invested resources. The estimate is based on asset expected lifetime as the IOA will start generating accumulated positive cash-flows.
Medium Term (5–10 years)
Market Size
Describes the value of potential addressable market of the IOA. The market size is identified for the IOA by establishing the value in USD, identifying the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) or providing a numeric unit critical to the IOA.
> USD 1 billion
Average Ticket Size (USD)
Describes the USD amount for a typical investment required in the IOA.
> USD 10 million
Direct Impact
Describes the primary SDG(s) the IOA addresses.
Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12)
Indirect Impact
Describes the secondary SDG(s) the IOA addresses.
Clean water and sanitation (SDG 6)

Business Model Description

Treatment of industrial hazardous wastes is only accessible to qualified licensed companies. The business models include 1) government investment plus enterprise contract, 2) BOT (Build–operate–transfer) model, and 3) joint investment and construction by the government and enterprise. Profitability may come from sales revenue of resourceful products; hazardous waste disposal fees. (16) (20) (21)

Expected Impact

Harmless treatment and resourceful utilization of industrial hazardous waste can reduce environmental pollution and protects people's well-being. (15)

How is this information gathered?

Investment opportunities with potential to contribute to sustainable development are based on country-level SDG Investor Maps.


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Country & Regions

Explore the country and target locations of the investment opportunity.
  • China: Hainan
  • China: Yunnan
  • China: Hunan
  • China: Hebei
  • China: Jiangxi
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Sector Classification

Situate the investment opportunity within sustainability focused sector, subsector and industry classifications.


Development need
Significant differences in terms of quality of the infrastructure exist between urban and rural areas in china. In rural areas, power grids are costly yet of poor quality, and water quality needs to be further improved. (1) China’s circular economy development faces great challenges including lack of standardization, difficulties in recycling low-value material etc. (2)

Sub Sector

Waste Management

Development need
Many cities and villages in China are encircled by waste. Serious problems exist in domestic waste classification and treatment facilities in urban areas, including insufficient treatment capacity, unbalanced regional distribution, and high landfill pollution risk. The carbon neutrality goals require waste management to be carried out in a low-carbon manner. (6)


Waste Management

Pipeline Opportunity

Discover the investment opportunity and its corresponding business model.
Investment Opportunity Area

Industrial hazardous wastes treatment and recycling

Business Model

Treatment of industrial hazardous wastes is only accessible to qualified licensed companies. The business models include 1) government investment plus enterprise contract, 2) BOT (Build–operate–transfer) model, and 3) joint investment and construction by the government and enterprise. Profitability may come from sales revenue of resourceful products; hazardous waste disposal fees. (16) (20) (21)

Business Case

Learn about the investment opportunity’s business metrics and market risks.

Market Size and Environment

Market Size (USD)
Describes the value in USD of a potential addressable market of the IOA.

> USD 1 billion

In 2020, the market size of industrial hazardous waste treatment industry was about 200 billion yuan. (12)

Indicative Return

Describes an expected percentage of revenue (that is actual profit before adjusting for operating cost) from the IOA investment.

20% - 25%

The gross profit margin of Beijing GeoEnviron Engineering & Technology, Inc.'s solid waste and hazardous waste resource utilization and harmless disposal businesses in 2020 were 26.27% and 44.65%, respectively. (10) (11)

Investment Timeframe

Describes the time period in which the IOA will pay-back the invested resources. The estimate is based on asset expected lifetime as the IOA will start generating accumulated positive cash-flows.

Medium Term (5–10 years)

Industrial hazardous waste treatment: It usually takes 3-5 years, or even longer, to obtain a disposal license. The license is generally valid for 25-30 years. The process from project approval to completion would take another 2-3 years. (13)

Ticket Size

Average Ticket Size (USD)
Describes the USD amount for a typical investment required in the IOA.

> USD 10 million

Market Risks & Scale Obstacles

Technical and financial barriers, insufficient talents, unsound regulations, etc.

In China, the current technical standards and regulations for hazardous waste management are still in need of improvement; high market uncertainty makes accurate demand estimation impossible; technical systems are yet to be developed, and there’s a lack of talents in this industry. (14)

Impact Case

Read about impact metrics and social and environmental risks of the investment opportunity.

Sustainable Development Need

The heavy metals and radioactive materials contained in industrial waste may have severe negative impacts on the environment, especially on soil and water safety, if treated improperly. (9)

Gender & Marginalisation

Different industrial development in different regions results in the uneven distribution of industrial hazardous waste production capacity. There's thus a mismatch between hazardous waste production and disposal capacity in each province. (15)

Expected Development Outcome

Harmless treatment and resourceful utilization of industrial hazardous waste can reduce the environmental impact. Meanwhile, it improves the efficiency of resourceful utilization, benefiting the circular economy.

Gender & Marginalisation

Industrial hazardous waste treatment development and reasonable layout can help solve the problem of the mismatch between hazardous waste production and disposal in some regions. (15)

Primary SDGs addressed

Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12)
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

12.4.2 (a) Hazardous waste generated per capita; and (b) proportion of hazardous waste treated, by type of treatment

Secondary SDGs addressed

6 - Clean water and sanitation

Directly impacted stakeholders


Industrial hazardous waste treatment reduces environmental pollution, especially water pollution, and ensures people's well-being.


Effective treatment of industrial hazardous waste can reduce environmental impacts on soil, water, and air.

Public sector

Government’s effort to build a circular economy system through solid waste treatment can be accelerated.

Indirectly impacted stakeholders


Industrial hazardous waste treatment industry brings more employment opportunities in environmental and chemical-related areas.


Recylcling and resue of industrail hazardous waster can improve resources efficiency which.


Industrial hazardous waste recycling provides raw materials for downstream enterprises.

Outcome Risks

Industrial hazardous waste treatment may bring negative environmental externalities for the neighboring residents if it fails to meet relevant standards. (12)

Impact Risks

The statistical system of industrial solid waste is still unsound, without data on specific types and quantities of hazardous waste. This can affect the overall hazardous waste disposal capacity. (14)

Impact Classification

A—Act to Avoid Harm


Harmless treatment and resourceful utilization of industrial hazardous waste can reduce the environmental impact. Meanwhile, it benifits the circular economy.


Industrial hazardous waste treatment may bring negative environmental externalities for the neighboring residents and cause more severe environmental pollution. (12)

Impact Thesis

Harmless treatment and resourceful utilization of industrial hazardous waste can reduce environmental pollution and protects people's well-being. (15)

Enabling Environment

Explore policy, regulatory and financial factors relevant for the investment opportunity.

Policy Environment

In 2021, the State Council issued a notice, which stated that by the end of 2022, hazardous waste regulatory systems and mechanisms would have been further improved; by the end of 2025, a much more strict regulatory system will have been established. (17)

In 2020, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment published a notice stated that we should orderly promote the full-process monitoring and IT-based tracing of hazardous waste generation, collection, storage, transfer, utilization, disposal, etc. (17)

In 2019, MEE issued guiding opinions in which stating that the approval procedures for inter-provincial transfer of hazardous wastes shall be optimized, the time limit for approval shall be clarified, and the electronic manifests shall be adopted. (16)

Financial Environment

In 2021, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the NDRC jointly issued a Notice related to Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in the Infrastructure Field, with disposal of solid wastes and hazardous wastes being the key industries. (19)

In 2021, 4 departments issued a catalogue, stating that the income obtained from industrial and hazardous waste treatment following the directory shall be exempted from the EIT for the first 3 years, and shall be taxed at the reduced half rate for next 3 years. (18)

Regulatory Environment

In 2021, NDRC and other departments stated that ""we should accelerate building a standard system for the comprehensive utilization of massive solid waste, and converge the standards between upstream and downstream industries. The statistical system should be strengthened."" (22)

In July 2021, MEE issued the ""Standard for pollution control on the non-hazardous industrial solid waste storage and landfill"", which specified environmental protection requirements for site selection, construction, operation, closure, land reclamation of industrial solid waste.(24)

In January 2020, the ""Technical specifications on identification for hazardous waste"" issued by MEE came into effect to strengthen the environmental management of hazardous waste and ensure that hazardous waste identification is more scientific. (23)

Marketplace Participants

Discover examples of public and private stakeholders active in this investment opportunity that were identified through secondary research and consultations.

Private Sector

Private sector: GEM Co., Ltd., Beijing Orient Landscape & Environment Co., Ltd., Beijing GeoEnviron Engineering & Technology, Inc., Dongjiang Environmental Co., Ltd., and Agile Environmental Protection Group


1) Guangdong: Introduced relevant economic policies; increased financial support, such as preferential VAT policies. 2) Shandong: Extended PPP model; made subsidies more accessible; replaced subsidies with rewards; offered non-profit organizations financial support. (6) (7)

Public-Private Partnership

Dongjiang Environmental Co., Ltd. set up a project company for an investment in a PPP project. It also won the bid for a PPP project jointly with Xingye Leather Technology Co., Ltd. The size is 94,700 tons with a 30-year license.

Target Locations

See what country regions are most suitable for the investment opportunity. All references to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of the Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999)
country static map

China: Hainan

The taget locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Waste management, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.

China: Yunnan

The taget locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Waste management, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.

China: Hunan

The taget locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Waste management, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.

China: Hebei

The taget locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Waste management, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.

China: Jiangxi

The taget locations were identified according to the comparison of policy index and development need index of Waste management, utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to show key regions with stronger political will and greater development need.


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