E-learning Platforms

Business Model Description
Invest in digital learning platforms to improve quality of education and bridge the gaps in the education system and expand country-wide access to education
Expected Impact
Improved access to education through online learning platforms, positive impact on the learners, teachers and the institution offering these services
How is this information gathered?
Investment opportunities with potential to contribute to sustainable development are based on country-level SDG Investor Maps.
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Country & Regions
- Belize: Countrywide
Sector Classification
Development need
A fully trained teacher workforce, technical and vocational education training and digital learning is needed in the education sector which is identified as a priority sector for development and investment as it contributes to economic growth and for achieving equal opportunities.
Policy priority
Plan Belize: The Government is presently prioritizing the following: Education Financing Reform, Early Childhood Education and Development, Leadership, Administration and Teacher Training, Special Education, Higher Education and Development, Technical and Vocational Education and Technology.
Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
Within the primary and secondary school levels, more teachers training exists among urban than the marginalised rural population.
Investment opportunities introduction
Of the total population (14 years and older)- ~259,408, 16.9% had not completed any formal schooling, 45.0% had completed primary school only, 20.3% had completed up to secondary school and 16.2% had completed up to tertiary school. The number of students enrolled in the Institute of Technical and Vocational Training (ITVET) has remained small.
Key bottlenecks introduction
Within the education sector, key bootlenecks include the level of teacher training, level of technical and vocational trainiing and access of digital learning tools.
Education Technology
Development need
There is widespread supportfrom theGovernmentto apply technology inside and outside theclassroom to support educationto enable learningfrom home and/or remote areas in orderto expand accessto education and reduce costs.Thepandemic is having negative consequencesforSDG4, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education andpromote lifelong learning opportunitiesfor all
Policy priority
Plan Belize: Inside the classroom technology will be applied to stimulate minds and feed our students appetite for visual learning. Technology must be used to promote and advance discussion, debate, creative design and critical thinking.The use of technology in education to enable learning from home or remote areas of the country can serve to expand access and reduce costs.
Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
Internet access/connectivity and lack of digital devices are identfied issues particularly in rural and marginalized communties
Investment opportunities introduction
In light of the pandemic, one of the key issues that were identified by the Ministry of Education included limited student access to education and technology. Investment in Education Technology has potential to improve education quality, improve outcomes and lower costs.
Key bottlenecks introduction
Education in Belize is challenged, especially in the forefront of COVID-19 due to the lack of technology infrastructure. The pandemic has presented a need to adapt to online learning platforms to facilitate learning. However, a prerequisite for online learning is the availability of enabling technologies, including suitable devices and digital infrastructure.
Educational Technology
Pipeline Opportunity
E-learning Platforms
Invest in digital learning platforms to improve quality of education and bridge the gaps in the education system and expand country-wide access to education
Business Case
Market Size and Environment
5% - 10%
As at 2019, approximately 105,604 students in total were enrolled in school which reveals the minimum amount of students who would be able to adapt the e-learning platforms, as it expected that these students will also leverage e-learning platforms to improve quality of education inside classroom settings.
The Latin America e-learning market is expected to generate revenues of over $3 billion by 2023, growing at a CAGR of more than 4% during 2018-2023.
Indicative Return
> 25%
Investors in the Ed Tech sector expect returns between 25-45%. Businesses operating in the sector are targetting 80% profit margins
Investment Timeframe
Short Term (0–5 years)
Investments in education technology services (e-learning platforms) are likely to cut costs and accrue profits in less than five years as they do not require complex establishment processes or hard capital in the initial stages.
Ticket Size
< USD 500,000
Market Risks & Scale Obstacles
Business - Business Model Unproven
Business - Supply Chain Constraints
Impact Case
Sustainable Development Need
Investment in Education Technology, specifically E-Learning Platforms is needed to improve education quality.
Investment in Education Technology, specifically E-Learning Platforms is needed to improve outcomes and lower costs.
Gender & Marginalisation
Disruptions to learning and education most affects those in marginalized communities.
Expected Development Outcome
This initiative will help improve quality of education in the country and facilitate access of students to education during remote learning and in remote areas, especially in times of disruptions.
Through the investment of Education Technology, costs (such as traveling costs) can be reduced and potentially be more affordable for persons to access.
Gender & Marginalisation
Disruptions to learning and education most affects those in marginalized communities. Through this business model, it can potentially increase access to education for those unable to meet face-to-face due.
Primary SDGs addressed

4.1.2 Completion rate (primary education, lower secondary education, upper secondary education)
4.3.1 Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex
Primary: 96.2% Lower Secondary: 69.60% Upper Secondary: 49.4%
Participation rate: 49.3%-Males, 50.7%- Females (2019), Total formal Education + TVET Participation= ~33.27%
The long-term objective for this indicator is a value of 100.

9.c.1 Proportion of population covered by a mobile network, by technology
Nationwide coverage (~90%) network connectivity.
The long-term objective for this indicator is a value of 100.

10.1.1 Growth rates of household expenditure or income per capita among the bottom 40 per cent of the population and the total population
-15% growth rate of gross national income per capita in Belize (2020)
5% growth rate of national income per capita, the targeted output growth will lead to a sustained improvement in per capita income of approximately 33% over a ten-year period (GSDS)
Secondary SDGs addressed

Directly impacted stakeholders
Indirectly impacted stakeholders
Impact Risks
Students and teachers' access to digital learning and internet connectivity may be limited- only 47% of the population has been estimated using the internet which can hinder country-wide acceptance and effective use of digital learning platforms
Impact Classification
Education technology can improve accessibility and quality of educational outcomes
facilitate access to students participating during remote learning (due to COVID-19) and in remote areas
medium risk associated with number of internet users/ access to devices
Impact Thesis
Improved access to education through online learning platforms, positive impact on the learners, teachers and the institution offering these services
Enabling Environment
Policy Environment
Plan Belize: There is widespread support from the Government to apply technology inside and outside the classroom to support education to enable learning from home and/or remote areas of the country in order to expand access to education and reduce costs.
In 2019, Digi Belize (Belize Telemedia Limited) in collaboration with Microsoft & the Ministry Of Education deployed devices to selected secondary schools as a part of a pilot project geared towards creating a digital learning platform for schools in Belize.
Financial Environment
"Fiscal incentives: Currently, no identified fiscal investment, limited private sector interest in the education space"
Regulatory Environment
Education and Training Act (2010): The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and Technology is responsible for equitable access to and efficiently delivered quality and relevant education, at all levels, for all Belizeans.
Marketplace Participants
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology is the responsible body for ensuring that all Belizeans are provided with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills and attitudes required for personal development and for full and active participation in the development of the nation.
Target Locations
Belize: Countrywide
- (1) Ministry of Education Statistics 2018-2019 https://www.moe.gov.bz/resources/education-statistics/
- (2) Telecommunication Union Database, 2018 https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Pages/publications/wtid.aspx
- (3) Statistical Institute of Belize https://sib.org.bz/
- (4) Challenges and Opportunities in Belize Education Sector (2013) https://publications.iadb.org/publications/english/document/Challenges-and-Opportunities-in-the-Belize-Education-Sector.pdf
- (5) Government Budget (2017-2023) https://www.mof.gov.bz/
- (6) Sustainable Development Report (2021) https://dashboards.sdgindex.org/explorer/co2-emissions-embodied-in-imports/chart
- (7) Selected online learning experiences in the Caribbean during COVID-19 (2021) https://www.cepal.org/sites/default/files/publication/files/46907/LCCAR2021_03_en.pdf
- (8) Canvas LMS https://www.instructure.com/canvas
- (9) Blackboard LMS https://www.betterbuys.com/lms/blackboard-pricing/
- (10) World Economic Forum https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/09/what-covid-19-means-for-edtech-latin-america/
- (11) Ed Surge Article (2021) https://www.edsurge.com/news/2021-01-13-a-record-year-amid-a-pandemic-us-edtech-raises-2-2-billion-in-2020
- (12) Latin American Impact of COVID-19 on Education (2020) https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/products/files/20201103_acaps_thematic_series_on_education_covid-19_impact_on_latin_america_0.pdf
- (13) Plan Belize: Education (2020-2025) https://planbelize.bz/making-education-work-for-belize/